Road safety is still a huge issue around the world. Without sustained action and significant investment in the improvement of highway safety, the World Health Organisation predicts that road traffic crashes will become the seventh leading cause of fatalities globally by 2030. In fact, road traffic accidents already represent the number one cause of death worldwide for 15-29 year olds.
The statistics tells us that a lot still needs to be done to educate the public on road safety rules; 36% of drivers believing using their horn to signal their anger at another driver is legal, and 26% of drivers experience road rage at least once a week.
Not only that, but when it comes to speeding people are even more misinformed. 36% of drivers believe speeding is acceptable when driving with a partner who’s in labour, 27% think the same of a family emergency, and almost one in ten drivers would claim that running late for a plane or train is a viable excuse to speed.
But it’s not just the misconceptions and abilities of the motorists that affect road safety. It’s the state of the roads too, which gives us an even greater call for effective traffic barriers.

Road Traffic Safety Barriers
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